Sunday, February 16, 2003

There is so much to tell that I don't know were to begin. Last time I wrote I told you that my stomach was feeling fine.....but....after my visit to the ayurvedic doctor I drank some magic liquid that was supposed to be good for the stomach, IT STARTED. That evening I got really strong cramps. It hurt like hell. The pain affected my dreams and there I was pregnant in a labor. Oh this was BAD. But I didn't have to go to the toilet....yet. So next morning I woke up 7 am instead of six. Still feeling sick and also tired. I thought to myself that I was not going to miss yoga class so I got myself together and headed towards the yoga center. In class I felt so weak. After practice I had some breakfast at Tinas house. She lives next door and has a restaurant at her home. My stomach was not getting any better. I ran home after breakfast straight to the toilet and...I'm not going in any details. So I have been sick in my stomach for three days now but I'm getting better. I don't know if it's food or the magic medicine.

Og nu aetla eg ad gefa ykkur nanari upplysingar um minar klosettferdir her a Indlandi. Thegar eg lagdi af stad til Indlands tok eg med mer 2 klosettrullur. Eg var algjorlega akvedin i ad nota pappir en ekki vinstri hondina. Tho svo eg se oftast tilbuin ad taka upp erlenda sidi og venjur fannst mer thetta vera heldur mikid. Eg helt ad Indverjar myndu pissa og kuka, skeina ser sidan me vinstri og ad lokum thvo kukinn af og pissid. Oj oj hugsadi eg og notadi minn klosettpappir margoft minn fyrsta magakveisu dag. Daginn eftir var eg enntha med verki. Um hadegisbil kom fruin upp og bad okkur um ad nota minna vatn thvi eitthvad hafdi stiflad rorin. Thau thyrftu ad safna vatni og eitthvad..bla bla. Eg fekk fyrir hjartad. Var eg buin ad stifla allt hverfid???? Eg spurdi Finnana hvort thau notudu klosettpappir og thau svorudu neitandi thv'i thad vaeri eiginlega bannad thvi rorin thyldu thad ekki. Fjandakornid....Eg med nidurgang og tharf ad fara ad nota VINSTRI. ARG ARG. Fyrst var ad fa nanari upplysingar um hver vaeri besta adferdin vid thetta. Nu thad kom i ljos ad Indverjar hella vatni aftan a rassinn, lata leka nidur, stinga vinstri undir og gripa vatnsbununa og hreinsa eda skeina, girda upp um sig og ad lokum thvo ser. Tha var ekkert annad eftir enn ad profa. Eg stend inn a klosetti. Thetta er svona vestern klosett eins og vid erum von ad nota. Thad er krani vid hlidinna a klosettinu og litil kanna til ad hella vatni i. "jaeja vinstri hond. Sinntu thinu starfi" Thetta gekk, en frekar brosulega. Mer finnst othaegilegt ad girda upp um mig og vera frekar"blaut". Thetta var a fimmtudaginn og sidan tha hafa klosettferdirnar verid fleiri og vinstri hondin er svei mer tha bara farin ad fila sig. Thetta er reyndar miklu thaegilegar a Indversku klosetti thvi tha er meira plass..skiljid. Sidan for eg a klosettid a yogacenterinu og thar eru svona litlir sturtuhausar til ad skola sig med og thad var MEIRIHATTAR. Allt i einu fannst mer thetta miklu hreinlegra en ad skeina ser med klosettpappir. Eg er ad hugsa um ad koma svona systemi upp heima a Langholtsveginum. Tha vitid thid allt um minar klosettferdir. Er thad ekki gaman.

Even thou I've experienced a wonderful time here it has been difficult too. It took me 3 days to find a bank were I could take out money with my credit card. Everything takes such a long time here. I've not been sleeping very well. It is so hot and there is some traffic closed to my house. And still I'm getting used to the time difference. Yesterday was good. A group of people rented a car and we drove out of the city. We went to a beautiful temple and to a beach were the Indians bathe themselves. Of course the men are only aloud to swim. Then we went to paradise. We visited an older Spanish woman and her son that live close to a lake in a beautiful house. I was speechless when I came there. Since I was a little girl I've always dreamt of being able to swim in lakes and rivers, But as you know it is to cold in Iceland to do that. We took our clothes off and jumped in the water. Oh my god it was so wonderful to swim there. Surrounded by trees and birds and monkeys and the sun just going down. I felt like I was in a movie. Then Rubert( the son) came and gave us tea and roasted peanuts. Later we took a look at the house and I almost didn't want to leave. This was so nice. At eight o'clock we said goodbye and went home. This is it I thought, this is India, while we drove pass some very poor neighborhoods were people live in tents but seemed so happy. Yes this is India. Today I am going to see a palace and then the full moon come up. Lots of love and I will write soon.


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