Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Well Well! Finally I have time to write. I'm going to write in English so my friends outside of Iceland can join in. So I'm in Mysore now and its a wonderful place. Much smaller then Madras. Guna and his wife, mother, driver,daughter and son took me to the train station in the middle of the night. I got to know Guna through a friend of mine in Iceland. There was a 7 hour ride a ahead. A young Indian woman sat next to me on the train and we started talking. It was so interesting talking to her. It was like she was getting something out of talking to a western woman because we were talking about women stuff if you know what I mean. And they usually don't talk about these things. She told me from her experience how frustrating it was being a woman in this country. They are so depended on their husbands and family. She also told me that in some small towns they are killing baby girls by giving them poisoned milk. They rather have boys. So of course I told her about V-day organization. Its a little
it strange to come straight from working on v-day to a country were women have so little freedom. Like when I was eating with Gunas family we sat by the table, me, him and his children but his wife and mother stood by the table to serve us. I of course asked if she wasn't going to join us and she said that she would eat later. But anyway. We said goodby in Bangalore and she gave me her address if i would stop by.
I took a taxi from the train station to a hotel that someone had recommended. It was so disgusting. It was so hot in there and so dirty. The drive couldn't believe I was going to stay there. I payd for one night determined to find something else. I was supposed to meet an Icelandic friend of mine that day. When she arrived she told me about a room for rent close by in a private house. So we went there and it was much much better. Next door to me were some yoga friends from Finland. So everything worked out fine. I still do not know the address of the house were I live. Indian people do not mark their streets so sometimes its hard to find your way here. There are allot of people here practicing yoga and I took my first yoga class yesterday morning at six am. When I walked in there it was like a freakshow. Many yogis so flexible that it was scary. But I had a really good practice. It felt so good being there. It is so friendly here to. I love seeing all these animals walking around. I was driving
downtown in a rickshaw they call it. And suddenly there was a little horse walking next to the car. There are cows everywhere. Some are decorated with yellow color. There are pig families, wild dogs and goats, walking around in the middle of the city. I love this. There are insects everywhere and flowers that smell heavenly. I got to know two Indian girls that take me everywhere on their motorbike. They take me to good restaurants so I haven't got any stomach problems yet. Today I am going to ayurvedic doctor and he is going to teach me a littlebit about ayurveda.
It is so great to be here. I absolutely love it. The sun is shining, the people are nice, the yoga center is very good. Can it be any better.
I have to go now. I have to write very fast so sorry if the spelling is not correct.


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